Are you suddenly feeling overwhelmed, depressed, and worried when you had been responding to the "new pandemic normal" just fine? Many people felt kind of energized and easily able to "keep calm and carry on" during the early months of this crisis, but recently, for quite a few people, this ability has waned. Six months into these "unprecedented times", there is a neurological reason for this burn-out and part of it has to do with the way your wonderful brain is always working to ensure your survival. Take the fight-or-flight response, for example. Your amygdala, the temporal lobe of your brain, is always automatically " surveilling" the premises for danger. It's like a smoke alarm surveying your environment so that you can respond effectively to danger. It is why, without even consciously thinking about it, you swerve like a stunt driver to avoid a collision, or why you can acrobatically throw yourself out of the way to avoid the une...